This paper addresses holistic management process and the idea of holism, pertained in certain aspects of Western management through the ideas of green marketing and sustainable agriculture. The idea of holism, i.e. consideration for how and in what ways, the sum of all the parts in the company impacts the environment plays especially important role in the companies from the Eastern hemisphere, especially Japan. Since the concept of holistic management is grounded in the Eastern philosophical theories, with profound influence of Buddhism on it, we believe that there might be obstacles in trying to translate it in the so called Western rational management based on the premise of Homo economicus. By outlining the historical development of the Western management thought and the philosophical origins of the holistic management process in the Japanese business, this paper presents some thoughts on the paradigm shift necessary for holism to take full part in the West.
Politika otvorenih vrata rješava probleme u tvrtki
U Vipnetu na razgovor sa šefom treba se najaviti i uskladiti termin, dok su vrata predsjednika Uprave IN2 doslovce otvorena, ali razgovori su kratki i efikasni.
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Komuniciranje u kriznim situacijama
Komunikacija u krizama test je kušnje za svaku organizaciju, bilo javnu ili privatnu. Lekcije o lošem komuniciranju plana za izlaz iz krize američke administracije dobra su pouka kako političarima tako i menadžerima.
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Multinacionalne kompanije koje su izrasle iz recesije
Iako su mnoge stoljetne američke kompanije, osobito u bankarskom sektoru, ovih dana nestale sa scene, neke, izrasle u nekim prošlim davnim krizama, još uvijek se drže.
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Inovacije koje su promijenile svijet
U ovom vremenu krize stručnjaci se slažu kako je inovativnost ključ opstanka.
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