It is a common belief that communication happens when we say something, hold a meeting, a presentation or a lecture. What usually happens is that such communication represents a «one way street». We have elaborated on what we thought was necessary, the other side has listened, taken notes and we are left with a sense of emptiness, like nothing mutual has been established.
The good communication, in which a common solution has been found, is productive, both for company and for the members of the team or a group involved in it. Such dialogue based communication is not about having the same oppinions, but about using the difference in oppinions as the guiding force in finding solutions. On the other hand, a bad communication, based on blaming one another, or imposing solutions on each other exhausts people and often bares negative results.
Such bad communication happens not only internally in the company, but also in external communication, for example marketing communication with customers. Whether it is advertising, PR, sales, the core of the communication remains the one between human beings first, and customers second. Thinking that the marketing communication is here to persuade or impose upon is slowly becoming the thing of the past. The new research shows that aggressive marketing communication, like intensive advertising campaigns urging customers to buy have much worse outcome, than the ones based on the value-lifting dialogue-based marketing communication. The dialogue-based marketing communication respects and listens the needs of customers.
The purpose of this training is to give the participants the understanding of the powerfull tool of dialogue as the integrating element of both internal and external business communication. Often the company’s many ways of communication, make the whole system of communication fragmented and not well understood. The dialogue is a dynamic tool leading to the integration of all elements of business communication.
The training is the combination of lectures, and practical dialogue based assignments. It is based on both the existing business practice and participants’ own experiences.
The main topics of this 3-day intensive training are:
- What is communication? What do we mean by communicating?
- Dialogue as a tool for increasing productivity and innovativeness
- Dialogue perspective of internal and external communication in a company
- Dialogue communication in a multinational environment
The training is designed for all types of managerial positions, from marketing to production and finance managers.
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Dialog – the art of thinking together